micronucleus frequency
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Dynamic changes of the relationship between micronucleus frequency and cell survival number presents negative correlation .
Cell micronucleus frequency were detected by cytogenetic methods .
Effect of Inhaling Diesel Exhaust on Micronucleus Frequency of Mice Bone Marrow Cells
Antagonistic effect of vitamin E on micronucleus frequency induced by chromium in mice
Mutagenicity studies of caffeine & chromosomal aberration and micronucleus frequency test
Comparision of micronucleus frequency in human lymphocytes irradiated in vitro and in vivo
Study of Lymphocytic Binucleated Micronucleus Frequency of Blood in Workers Exposed to Styrene
Objective To study the effects of airborne particles exposure on the micronucleus frequency of human binucleate lymphocytes .
Establishment of cytokinesis-block micronucleus frequency method for human nasopharyngeal carcinoma cells as measurement of radiosensitivity of tumor cells
Effects of Industrial Sewages on Micronucleus Frequency in Root Tip Cell of Vicia faba
Effects of Rare Earth Element Ions on Micronucleus Frequency in Root Tip Cell and Early Growth of Vicia Faba
Sister chromatid exchange and micronucleus frequency in fluorosis
A study of micronucleus frequency changes in bone marrow polychromatic erythrocytes induced by astatine-211 in mice
Effect of Shallow Well Water along the Mulan Stream on Tradescantia paludosa Tetrad Micronucleus Frequency
A study on the micronucleus frequency in root tip cell of Vicia faba induced by 9 kinds of chemical fertilizers
Effect of Exposure to Hydroxylammonium Nitrate on Micronucleus Frequency of Bone Marrow Cells in Wistar Rat for 90 Days
Effect of Negative Ions on Spontaneous and Cyclophosphamide-Induced Micronucleus Frequency in Mouse Bone Marrow Polychromatophilic Erythroblasts
Genetic material damage was analyzed using micronucleus frequency ( MNF ) of polychromatoerythrocytes ( PCE ) in bone marrow .
The micronucleus frequency of normal individuals in vivo is 4 . 6 + 2 . 0 micronucleus / 500 CB cells .
[ Methods ] Vicia faba root tips was treated by different concentration of lead and selenium , and then micronucleus frequency was observed .
The micronucleus frequency may be causally related to radiation-induced genomic instability which is expressed as chromosomal damage leading to micronuclei .
The result showed that besides the source water from two proposed waterworks , the source water , tap water could induce increasing micronucleus frequency and show obvious dose response relation .
Comparing the middle and high dose groups of p-DCB mothball with the negative control , the micronucleus frequency was significant differences ( P < 0.05 ) .
There existed a negative correlation between the BN micronucleus frequency and the TLTR in the Radiotherapy Control Group , Chemotherapy Control Group after chemotherapy or radiotherapy .
After the survival cells were given second irradiation , both results of SCGE and micronucleus frequency showed that the second damage was correlated with the original irradiation doses .
No significant differences of micronucleus frequency were observed in those flight personnel with different annual flying hours , professional seniority and flying status ( P > 0.05 ) .
Chromosomal aberration frequency and micronucleus frequency of the root-tip cells in M 0 were measured . The results indicate that the frequencies were proportional to implanted dose .
The influence of Chinese medical stone on the micronucleus frequency in root - tip cells of Vicia faba caused by the water - soluble substances contained in cigarette smoke was studied .
Genetic Toxicity of Mercury , Cadmium , Lead , Chromium and Arsenic to Vicia faba Root Tip Cells Effect of Selenium on Micronucleus Frequency in Vicia Faba Root Tips Induced by Lead
The results show that the soak of Chinese medical stone can decrease the micronucleus frequency in root - tip cells of Vicia faba and it also can relieve the harm to the hereditary caused by the cigarette smoking .